Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy 30th Birthday to DAP Sarawak

DAP Sarawak is celebrating its 30th Birthday this year since its inception to Sarawak in the year 1978. If not because of Mr. Chong Siew Chiang who brought in the party to Sarawak 3 decades ago and the selflessness sacrifices of all DAP's leaders, the party will not have survived until today. I, as younger generation in the party salute to all leaders for their courage and determination in leading DAP Sarawak to greater heights.

DAP Sarawak has gone through 30 years of struggle and perseverance in fighting for the rights of Sarawakians regardless of race, religion and culture. Despite the ups and downs all these years, I am proud to say that DAP Sarawak is a tested party for all! DAP Sarawak is ever ready to take on whatever challeges for the sake of its people.

To celebrate this aupicious occasion, DAP Kuching will hold a 300 tables dinner on 14.12.2008 at Kuching Yung's (Foochow) Club, 7th Mile Kuching. Our guest of Honour for the night is Chief Minister of Penang YAB Lim Guan Eng. Dr. Tan Seng Giaw MP for Kepong and Tony Pua MP for Petaling Jaya Utara will also be present at the dinner.

For sure, without the people's support, DAP Sarawak is nothing. Hence, we treasure your staunch support to the party.

We would be very proud to have you with us at the dinner.

For those who wish to purchase tickets for the dinner, please contact us via:-

1. DAP service centre at Chong Lin Park Kuching: Tel: 082-414531
2. Myself: Tel: 016-8898544


Friday, November 7, 2008




我了解到,欧盟与马来西亚(包括砂拉越代表)有着一项会谈,以期达致自愿伙伴合约(Voluntary Partnership Agreement),对木材合法的定义有所共识。可是遗憾的是,有关的自愿伙伴合约的洽谈,却因各造的意见无法取得共识而毫无头绪。欧盟比较认同非政府组织与本地律师的立场,即来自具争议性的土著习俗地木材是属于非法的,除非有关的土著习俗地争议被解决(与法庭决定一致)。但砂拉越州律政司却对”合法“的定义有着不同的看法,即认为只要有执照就属于合法。然而,我们也知道这些发给朋党及家族的执照是那么的专横。




据了解,2007年3月26日,印尼Metro电视也播出了有关非法木材交易的3段调查系列,内容包括访问及现场拍摄。有关片段也可以从You Tube网站上看到,片名为“Kayu Mengalir Sampai Kching”。

有关片段中提及了Harwood Timber有限公司,也播出了非法木材是如何运到古晋三马丹及将之合法化。该电视台也报导,60%的印尼非法木材都是出口到砂拉越。

2008年4月13日,在一个叫Batak Monarchies的印尼部落格(http://batak-monarchies.blogspot.com)出现了一篇主题为“马来西亚高级官员涉及非法伐木“的文章;另一个印尼网站(http://illegal-logging.info)中,砂州政府所拥有的Harwood Timber有限公司的名字也被揭露;西加里曼丹坤甸论坛报业在今年8月14日的头条也报导非法木材交易,追踪了从印尼Ketapang受保护森林获取木材运到古晋的事件,而Harwood Timber有限公司也再被提及,但这次也提及的“砂拉越元首泰益玛目”的字眼。

有关报导揭露印尼非法木材被进口到砂拉越,然后再从砂拉越转为合法化木材出口至北亚国家。瑞士的欧洲非政府组织Bruno Manser 基金因此呼吁欧盟委员会中止与马来西亚的会谈,直到马来西亚作出明确的解释。







基于Harwood Timber有限公司的名字出现在作这些指责的报导和部落格,如果印尼非法木材在砂州合法化再出口的指责被证实属实,那我想问的是,Harwood Timber有限公司及其官员是否会受到对付?有木材商告诉我,揭露有关非法木材交易的人士,目前正在印尼监狱服刑,而他拥有证据来支持其指责,包括有关木材如何从印尼的保护森林砍伐及通过Harwood Timber有限公司的木材仓库以水陆路运到古晋。



我也对一项两年前由资源管理与策划部发出予砂林产机构(Sarawak Forestry Corporation)的指示感到震惊。

我被被告知有关指示是所有的非法木材的处理及售卖予本地市场的工作都必须交由Harwood Timber有限公司进行处理。而Harwood Timber有限公司在处理前,将对这些木材缴交版税。

我也被告知这项指示是由首席部长做出,而指示的副本也呈予州律政司、砂拉越森林局、砂木材发展局及Harwood Timber有限公司。


为何Harwood Timber有限公司这件砂州所拥有的公司可以获得处理所有非法木材的权利。是否这些非法木材在被送往加工时,便由Harwood Timber有限公司给合法化?政府又如何确保这些由非法木材制成的木材产品不会被出口至外国?
我不晓得这项由资源管理与策划部发出的指示是否会鼓励非法伐木活动我建议,在有关指示被资源管理与策划部保卫与保护单位(Security and Protection Unit)执行前,该单位应该弄清楚这些非法木材的来源。了解这些木材是否从社区森林或受保护森林而来。如果是属于土著社群的社区森林,木材那就应该交回与相关的社群决定,而不是售予Harwood Timber有限公司。


















我也提出了7片直接分割给与Naim Cendera集团有关联的私人公司的详情:
1. 207.678公顷(513.17英亩)的Lot 1748 Muara Tuang地段分割给Naim Cendera有限公司充作房屋发展。
2. 33.599 公顷(83英亩)的Lot 4711 Block 14 Salak 地段分割给Khidmat Mantap有限公司充作房屋发展,该公司乃由Naim Cendera有限公司全权拥有。

3. 13.597 公顷(33.59英亩)的Lot 3287 Block 10 古晋市区地段割让给与Naim Cendera控股公司同样股东的Peranan Makmur有限公司充作商业发展。

4. 18.358公顷及552公顷的Lots 766 and 767 Block 7 三巴地地段割让给Tegap Pesat有限公司。该公司是由Naim Cendera有限公司拥有部分股权及Naim Cendera控股公司也一些股东也拥有股份。

5. Lots 3161 于3162 Section 10 的古晋市区地段割让予Naim Cendera 的附属公司Dataran Wangsa 有限公司,充作房屋用途。

她所揭露的与林甘短片有异曲同工之妙,从这些有限公司的名字看来:“看起来不一样、听起来不一样、但它没有不一样”,这些公司全是来自Naim Cendera集团。

她所揭露的,其实只是冰山一角。还有更多的土地割让给与砂州首席部长有密切关系的Naim Cendera集团。

人民想知道为何这些土地的割让并没有通过公开投标程序?为何这些属于人民的土地会落入Naim Cendera集团手中?这些地段是否在没有州周政府偿还地捐的情况下就割让?州政府如何计算这些割让地段的地捐?

我质问为何作为资源与策划部长的首席部长会允许上百、甚至上千英亩的地段直接割让给其表兄弟的公司,即Naim Cendera集团的公司。



1. 地契更新99年应该是自动及免更新费的。

2. 小块的住宅地段应该以象征式的地捐割让予贫困及有需要的人民。

3. 具有商业价值的大块地段的割让必须通过公开投标的程序,以增加政










Sabu 发展有限公司、Chapri发展有限公司、 Million Ascen有限公司及 Besthouse发展有限公司.

在2008年7月间,一群为数11人的来自Taman Million,购买由 Million Ascen有限公司发展的房屋的购屋者因面对发展商不肯对房屋出现的缺陷进行抢修,且有关房屋也没有依据建筑蓝图建造房子却获得市政局发出入伙准证的事件,在她的带领下前往房屋部救助,希望当局对有关的发展商采取适当的行动。














1. 规定当发展商潜逃、房屋计划废置或公司出现问题时,公司的董事及股东本身应向买主负责;

2. 规定在知道建筑工程未依据买卖合约的条件完成而签署证书的绘测师及工程师本身应向他们的行为负责;

3. 如果负责人士有理由相信房屋发展商危害购屋者利益或没有依据条例规定,就应该冻结有关发展商的房屋发展户口。


Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Debate Speech touched on establishedment of Housing Tribunal, Illegal Timber Trade, and Alienation of State Lands

Three days i.e. 5th, 6th & 7th Nov, was set for members in the August House to debate on the Supply Bill tabled on 2.11.2008. This sitting, I was asked by our party whip to speak first and that is why I was all set for it.

For the last few sittings, there will be no time limit for those who spoke on the 1st day of debate. However, time limit of 30 minutes was set this round. I prepared 9 issues for my debate speech. But sadly to say that, due to time constrained and unwarranted interruptions of BN backbenchers for touching sensitive issues, I only manged to speak three out of my nine issues prepared.

I was racing formula 1 when I read my speech. Nevertheless, I still cannot meet my goal to put forward all my 9 issues.

The issues which I spoke on are:-

1. Request for Establishment of Sarawak Housing Tribunal;
2. Illegal Timber Trade and its Serious Implication (Harwood Timber Sdn. Bhd. was touched at length on its alleged involvment in illegal timber trade);
3. Policy on Land Alienation (Naim Cendera Group was mentioned as hundreds of acres of state lands were alienated to them).

Please read my speech below:-

Violet Yong’s Debate Speech on the Supply (2009) Bill, 2008

Thank you Tuan Speaker for giving me the opportunity to present my debate speech this morning. I will raise a few issues.

1. Request for establishment of Sarawak Housing Tribunal

Tuan Speaker,

Nowadays, with the drastic increase in number of complaints against dishonest or deceitful developers in the State of Sarawak, it is high time for the State Government of Sarawak to set up a housing tribunal in the state to implement laws to tackle the problem. At the moment, the Housing Developers and Licensing Ordinance 1993 and Housing Developers Regulations 1999 are 'toothless" to go against unscrupulous developers who have cheated innocent consumers. The legal framework is very much infertile and weak whereby the Ministry of Housing, Sarawak has no power to act to protect the interest and welfare of properties buyers.

Indeed, it is very shameful to say that Sarawak is the only state in Malaysia that has yet to set up a housing tribunal to deal with complaints from house buyers against developers. The idea of setting up a housing tribunal has been discussed by the Ministry of Housing since 2003, but the state government appears to have shown neither interest or any intention and political will to speed up the establishment of such a tribunal.

Tuan Speaker,

There were numerous complaints from disgruntled house buyers who discovered their newly purchased properties are abound with serious defects due to low quality building materials or that their properties are either not constructed according to approved building plans. There are also extreme cases where there are defaults on the part of the developers for not delivering the properties to the purchasers within the stipulated time frame.

Worst still, some of the housing projects have been abandoned by the developers with full purchase price of the properties being disbursed to developers, resulting in purchasers having to continue servicing their housing loans. These buyers were left serving the loans for nothing. I was told and had even experienced it myself indicating that the Ministry of Housing has either been ignorant or choose to ignore all these problems.

Such injustice should stop. We must understand that the majority of the people used their life long savings to purchase a house for their own and to end up with dishonest developers, these victims are desperate. Their cries for help went unheard!

A few such developers which was brought to my attention should have stern action taken against them are Sabu Development Sdn. Bhd., Chapri Development Sdn. Bhd., Million Ascend Sdn. Bhd. and Besthouse Development Sdn. Bhd.

Tuan Speaker,

Sometime in July, 2008, due to the refusal of the developer to fully rectified the defects, I brought along 11 house buyers from Taman Million along Jalan Kempas, a residential estate developed by Million Ascend Sdn. Bhd. to the Ministry of Housing to appeal for assistance to take appropriate action against the developer for shoddy workmanship and also on buildings not built in accordance with building plans despite occupation permits being issued by the council.

We made two trips to the housing ministry with the intention to meet up with the permanent secretary to seek help. But sad to say, we only end up meeting up with a few ministry officials. The ministry of housing promised to fix a date for all parties concerned to attend to solve the problem but this has never materialized.

Instead, the Ministry of Housing issued a letter to request the 11 house buyers to resort to legal advice and action. It is very unreasonable and irresponsible for the ministry to request the 11 house buyers to resolve the matter on their own through the legal process. Have the ministry even consider and concern about those poor consumers who cannot afford to engage a lawyer? Isn't it obvious that they have to "eat dead cat"?

As to the issuance of occupation permit for the project, the 11 house buyers had also brought the matter to the attention of MBKS. And the reply from the council was that they do not conduct close checks on the construction of the buildings and the occupation permit is issued based on the certificate of completion by the architect. Is this the right and responsible way? What if the architect is signing "buta" like the present case and should the building collapse one day, who should be responsible. I understand that the roof truss were built using shoddy materials and with no proper termite treatment. Would the council want to be responsible for any possible loss of lives?

Tuan Speaker,

With the setting up of a housing tribunal, it will at least ensure that the interest of house-buyers are taken care of and also ease their burden as not everyone is wealthy enough to engage lawyer to fight the case in civil court.

I see the reason put up by the Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Housing Sarawak as to why the state government has no intention to set up the housing tribunal as unreasonable and irresponsible. He told the Sunday post sometime in January, 2008 and I quote "As it is now there are just not enough cases to warrant the setting up of a housing tribunal. It is just like setting up a court and is not easy to do".

In my opinion, such statement was only an excuse. Since the Permanent Secretary had admitted that the law is in place for the setting up of a tribunal in Sarawak, then it should be set up now. How long would the state government want to wait? Till the cows come home? I also want to seek clarification whether it has to do with the reason because that most of the developers are crony companies of the State Barisan National leaders and hence, they require special protection and treatment from the state and that is why the state government sees no urgency to set up the housing tribunal? Or has it been because with the establishment of the housing tribunal, it will do away all the "money making kantows" from the housing projects? Otherwise, I see no reason why the state government has been so reluctant in setting it up.

I know that the setting up of the housing tribunal is a "non-profit making project". You cannot make any money out from it! But, do remember the state government has the responsibility to do its best in making sure the welfare and interest of house buyers are not ripped off by irresponsible parties. The BN leaders should not always think of self interest but must serve the people with sincere hearts. Remember all elected representatives including our Chief Minister are the servants of the people. We should not lose sense of our relationship with the people. Please give homebuyers in Sarawak the same protection that buyers in Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah enjoy.

At the same time, I also urge the state government to improve the existing laws by:

(1) making the directors and shareholders personally liable towards buyers should developers abscond, abandon housing projects or the companies are would up;

(2) making the architect or engineer personally liable in the event they issue a progress certification knowing that the construction works have not been completed in accordance with the provisions of the sale and purchase agreement; and

(3) freezing the housing development account if the controller has reason to believe that the licensed housing developer is carrying on his business in a manner detrimental to the interest of the purchasers or is contravening any provision of the law.

Of course, it is also important for the Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia and the Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia to be pro-active and be serious to name and black list members who are known to have been involved in the issuance of progress certification despite works not being done or completed in accordance with the Sale and Purchase Agreement.

However, I believe, the best way to tackle the housing problems would be by setting up the Housing Tribunal as well as getting the comprehensive Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act, 1966 to be extended to Sarawak.

2. Illegal Timber Trade and Its Serious Implications

Tuan Speaker,

The Environmental International agency (EIA) website news reported on October 17,2008: Almost 20% of timber imported to the European Union may come from illegal sources, but that could change under newly proposed legislation geared toward curbing illicit logging and reforestration, as well as addressing the climate, the European Commissioners said.

The possible or likely implications and, if I may add too, the benefits arising from that proposed legislation for Malaysia, a major timber exporting country, in particular for Sarawak (which contributes close to 40% of Malaysia's annual timber export earnings of about RM20 billion , must, therefore, not be under-estimated at all. I understand that the EU and Malaysia (including representatives from Sarawak) have been holding talks to try and reach what is called a Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) on the legality definition of timber and timber products exported to EU countries.

But, unfortunately, the VPA talks are going nowhere because of the conflict amongst stakeholders on the definition of "legality" when the EU appears to favour the (NGO and local lawyers) stand that timber from NCR-disputed areas are illegal unless the NCR issues over the concession areas are resolved (in line with the courts' decisions). But the Sarawak Government through the state Attorney-General has a different view to "legality" which is linked solely to issue of a licence over the concession area (and we know how arbitrarily and thoughtless these licences are issued to cronies and families).

The stand taken by the NGOs and the many local lawyers fighting for the rights of our indigenous people is also the stand taken by our party, DAP.

Tuan Speaker,

Looking at the same issue from a business and economic perspective, there are benefits of curbing illegal timber and ensure that all timber are from legal , I emphasize legal, not sustainable, but just legal source. The EU is paying a high premium for legal timber sourced from Malaysia which is called Green Premium which is about 50% more than market value for our timber.

But the talks, as I also understand, have also been held under a cloud following reports carried in Indonesian and Malaysian media for the past year or so of Sarawak's alleged involvement in the export of illegal Indonesian timber from Indonesian West Kalimantan to Sarawak. Two months ago, the Indonesian Forestry Minister also complained to his Malaysian counterpart about the illegal timber trade across the border between Kalimantan and Sarawak.

I also noticed that on March 26, 2007 Indonesia Metro TV produced a three-part investigative series, based on interviews and on-the-spot filming, on the illegal timber trade which could be watched on YouTube in a programme called 'Kayu Mengalir Sampai Kuching' and which implicated Harwood Timber Sdn. Bhd. and showing how illegal logs being transported to Sematan Kuching and be given legitimacy. It was reported in the news by Indonesia Metro TV, 60% of illegal logs in Indonesia are being exported to Sarawak.
On April 13, 2008 under an Indonesian blogspot Batak Monarchies (http://batak-monarchies.blogspot.com/2008/04/malaysian-high-ranking-official.htmlin) an article under the heading 'Malaysian High Ranking Official Suspected Of Illegal Logging!' a high-ranking Malaysian official was again implicated in the illegal timber trade. In yet another Indonesian website (http://www.illegal-logging.info/item_single.php?item=news&item_id=2837&approach_id=)the name of the Sarawak government-owned company was revealed as Harwood Timber Sdn Bhd. This was followed by an investigative report carried in a front-page headline in a West Kalimantan daily Tribun Pontianak on August 14,2008 about the illegal timber trade, tracing the route it took from the protected forests in Ketapang to Kuching and again Harwood Timber Sdn Bhd's name was mentioned but this time it also implicated 'Gubernur Sarawak Taib Mahmud.'
The report further stated that Indonesian illegal timber was exported to Sarawak and then re-exported to North Asia countries as legal timber from Sarawak. The Swiss-based European NGO Bruno Manser Fund (BMF) has meanwhile called on the European Commissioners to stall the talks with Malaysia and to delay the implementation of any agreement until certain clarifications have been obtained from Malaysia.

Prior to all this, an Indonesian NGO known as Telapak , very much concerned with the protection of the forests for community use, together with representatives from the Environmental International Agency (EIA) traveled under cover to Sarawak to follow the trail of the Indonesian illegal timber from Ketapang to Kuching. They also spoke to the end users of the illegal Indonesian timber.

Tuan Speaker,

Again, the seriousness of all the allegations against Malaysia, in particular Sarawak, should not be taken lightly. Whether the Sarawak government has in fact replied to the allegations in the media I am not aware of it ; or why there has been no official denial or rebuttal or rejection.
Surely, we are all aware of the serious implications not only in relation to the Malaysia-Indonesia Agreement reached on June 2002 on the banning of log exports to Malaysia and especially the European Union's move to enforce the legality question vide the proposed Forest Law Enforcement, Governance & Trade (FLEGT) to ascertain the origins of timber and timber products exported to EU countries. If we are not careful we could end up being black-listed by important consumer countries.

I would like to ask the Chief Minister also in his capacity as Minister of Planning and Resource Management why is he and the Sarawak Government have all this while kept very quiet in the face of the allegations which have been widely publicized? Do we have something to hide? Is there a lot of truth in the allegations?

If such allegations are not answered or responded to and, worst, clarifications not made or the truth told, the image of our nation will be flushed down the toilet. Our leaders and state government should not remain silent on the issue. If this persists, there will always be suspicions as to the origin or source of our timber exported to overseas market, in particular Europe which is a growing and premium market for such products.

Bearing in mind, local and international NGOs are actively investigating the matter and if their findings prove the allegations to be true are accepted by EU, European importers may think twice to buy our timber product, resulting in great financial loss to the industry and the state. Our state government should not perpetually be in a state of denial or try to sweep the problems under the carpet. Further, dealing in illegal Indonesian timber is a term that is in violation of existing bilateral and even multi-lateral agreements.

Tuan Speaker,

If the allegations about illegal Indonesian timber being re-exported from Sarawak as legal timber prove to be true, and since the name of Harwood Timber Sdn Bhd has been mentioned in the various publications and blogs, I would like to know whether any action is to be taken Harwood Timber Sdn Bhd and its officials? I am told that a timber merchant who blew the whistle on the illegal Indonesian timber trade is now being held in prison in Ketapang and he has the evidence to back up the allegations, including how the timber is being illegally felled from protected forests in Ketapang and then shipped over land and seas to Kuching via depots or log yards operated by Harwood Timber Sdn Bhd.

Further, evidence shows the illegal trade has been going on for many years and how could this happen right under the very nose of the authorities in Sarawak without their knowing it?
This, to me and my party, is a serious dereliction of duty and I call on those responsible to be held accountable as it has tarnished our country image both locally and overseas as the matter has received negative publicity overseas.

Tuan Speaker,

I would also like to draw the attention of Honourable Members of this August House to something which, in my opinion, should not have happened at all in the administration of our state forestry resource management, planning and policy. What has come as a shock to me is on being reliably informed of a directive issued about two years ago by the Ministry of Planning and Resource Management to the Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC) to dispose of all seized illegal logs to Harwood Timber Sdn Bhd and that Hardwood Timber Sdn Bhd shall process and sell the timber to the local market and that Harwood Timber Sdn Bhd will pay royalties from the seized timber before processing. I was informed that the directives were given by our Chief Minister and the said directive was also copied to State Attorney General, Forest Department Sarawak, STIDC and Harwood Timber Sdn. Bhd. May I know whether there is such a directive issued? If so, a full explanation must be given to the people with respect to the rational of the state government in implementing such policy where in fact there are other better ways of dealing seized illegal logs. The other questions which I would like to ask are: Why Harwood Timber Sdn. Bhd. has to be made as the sole beneficiary to process illegal seized logs? Why Harwood Timber Sdn. Bhd. a state owned company is allowed to process illegal logs? Whether all these illegal logs were given legitimacy by Harwood Timber Sdn. Bhd. before sending for processing? How does the state government be sure that the timber products made from the illegal logs are not being exported overseas?

I do not know whether the directive from the Ministry of Planning and Resource Management constitutes an act of in fact encouraging illegal logging. I would suggest, before the directive is carried out by SAPU (Security and Protection Unit), the enforcement arm of SFC, must determine where the seized illegal timber came from, whether it was from communal forests or pulau or from protected forests or from National Parks. If, for example, it comes from pulau which belongs to the indigenous group then by right the illegally felled logs should be given to that community for them to decide how best to dispose of them, and not for SFC to sell them to Harwood Timber Sdn. Bhd.

I can only guess because of the good timber prices illegal logging might be quite rampant and I have been informed in one case involving the clearing of land for a reforestration project in Bintulu there has been many complaints from longhouse communities about logging contractors encroaching into their NCR lands, especially pulau or communal forests on which they rely on for their timber needs to build ,repair and improve their dwellings, etc

I feel the authorities should withdraw such a directive and the best way to deal with seized illegally-felled logs not harvested from NCR areas or pulau would be to auction them off to small-time timber merchants or small and independent sawmill and timber factory owners as a local source of supply and to discourage them from looking elsewhere to source for timber needs.
May I refer to a recent statement made by the Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Dr George Chan Hong Nam and reported in local newspapers concerning the substantial loss in earnings in the exports of fishery products to Europe due to non compliance with certain requirements of consumer countries. The same thing could also happen timber industry except the loss would be much greater if we failed to comply with the requirements of the European Commission regarding the importance of dealing only with legal timber.
Tuan Speaker,

Reports of the illegal timber trade across the common border is perhaps nothing new and has been going for quite sometime, according to industry people in the know. Why this has been going on is something we need to ask ourselves.

There is obviously a demand for illegal timber which can be sourced internally (within the State) and externally (from outside the State) and which ,presumably, is cheaper. I am informed that many non logging concession sawmill and factory owners that it is difficult and very expensive to source the logs locally, as log production is controlled by the so-called “big boys” or timber-based conglomerates which are also into downstream timber processing, especially the production of plywood., apart from dowels, mouldings, veneer and middle-density fibreboard (MDF) for the export market.

Since the Sarawak Timber Industry Development Corporation (STIDC) issues the licences for almost everything relating to logging and timber processing, we should help the many small and independent operators, namely the sawmills and timber factory owners, to be able to source for log supply from a central pool at reasonable prices to sustain them and to be able to compete in the export market. The present high prices of logs may be putting the smaller operators out of business, if they continue to experience difficulty in finding supply of raw materials. Indeed, the short and medium term prospects for business may not appear to be good too, especially with the sluggish global trade. We ought to do something to help them as well.

3. Policy on Land Alienation

Tuan Speaker,

The State government’s policy on land alienation is flawed. Under the present state BN administration which does not subscribe to the principles of accountability, transparency, integrity, equal opportunity and social economic justice, the process of alienation of state lands is often carried out without going through public tender system. Instead, large parcels of valuable land are alienated through direct negotiation or closed door deals to private cronies companies that have close proximity with the BN state leaders.

Direct alienation of land to crony companies for personal profits should be stopped. The Sarawak State Government should adopt the policy of Penang State Government led by our DAP’s YAB Lim Guan Eng, i.e. alienate state lands through public tender system so that the government can generate the most income from the alienation of lands. If such a system were being implemented, for sure there will be enough revenue generated for the states to finance its operating and development expenditure for many years. Furthermore, this would ensure that moneys meant for the people would not be siphoned into private accounts.

Just to make one point clear, when I am talking about the alienation of state land through public tender system, I am only referring to large parcels of land with commercial value. On the other hand, small individual residential lots should be alienated to the poor and the needy at low and affordable premiums, so that the rakyat in general, can truly enjoy and benefit of the abundance of land in Sarawak. The government should continue the policy like the Stampin Resettlement Scheme, i.e. alienating plots of 8 points land to the homeless and the poor.

However, it saddens me to see that today, the Barisan Nasional Government are alienating large parcels of land with high commercial value to cronies companies while the poor and the people in general are not given land for them to build their houses.

In Sarawak, upon close scrutiny of the land deals alienated to private companies, it is not difficult to find out that it is always the same people who are getting the lands and worst still at a price way below the market value. The people have a strong feeling that the process of state lands alienation has been abused and riddled with corruption and cronyism for the cronies’ gains.

When it comes to people’s request in asking the state government to amend the land code to allow unconditional automatic renewal of land lease term for 99 years, all sort of excuses have been put forward by the BN state leaders including the ridiculous statement that our state would go bankrupt if we implement such move. The state government is heartless and insists to charge high renewal premium on lands which belong to the people and which we previously purchased by them using their hard earned money.

However, strange enough, when it comes to self interest and personal profits, the BN state leaders have no problems in giving out thousands of acres of land with high commercial value to their sons, wife, sister, cousins, and relatives’ related companies. Is this the so called caring BN government? How can we allow our state resources to be controlled by one person?

Tuan Speaker,

I shall now give the details of 7parcel of lands which have been directly alienated to private companies that are closely linked to Naim Cendera group:-

1. Lot 1748 Muara Tuang Land District with an area of 207.678 ha (approx. 513.17 acres) was alienated to Naim Cendera Sdn. Bhd. for purpose of residential development;

2. Lot 4711 Block 14 Salak Land District with an area of 33.599 ha (approx. 83 acres) was alienated to Khidmat Mantap Sdn. Bhd. which is a wholly owned company of Naim Cendera Sdn. Bhd. for purpose of residential development;

3. Lot 3287 Block 10 Kuching Central Land District with an area of 13.597 ha (approx. 33.59 acres) was alienated to Peranan Makmur Sdn. Bhd. which has the same directors team as Naim Cendera Holdings Berhad. for purpose of commercial development;

4. Lots 766 and 767 both of Block 7 Sampadi Land District with an area of 18.358 ha and 552 ha respectively were alienated to Tegap Pesat Sdn. Bhd. which partly own by Naim Cendera Sdn. Bhd. and few board members of Naim Cendera Holdings Behad.

5. Lots 3161 and 3162 both of Section 10 Kuching Central Land District were alienated to Dataran Wangsa Sdn. Bhd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Naim Cendera Sdn. Bhd. for purpose of residential development.

From what I have exposed, it shows exactly the same scenario of what Lingam said in the Lingam tape scandal respecting the name of the private companies, “it looks different, it sounds different but it is not different!”, all these companies are from Naim Cendera group.

The above is just the tip of the iceberg. There are more of such lands being alienated to Naim Cendera group which has close relationship with our Chief Minister.

The people would like to know why the alienation of the lands mentioned was not done through open tender system. Why lands which supposedly belong to the people ended up in the hands of Naim Cendera Group? Whether the lands are being alienated without land premium being paid to the state? How is the land premium of these alienation calculated by the state government?

Why the Chief Minister, as the Minister of Resource and Planning allows hundreds or even thousands of acres of state lands being directly alienated to his cousins’ company, Naim Cendera group of companies?

Wouldn’t there be conflict of interest in such operation, bearing in mind, only last week, Taksin, the previous Thai Prime Minsiter was sentenced to 2- year imprisonment for alienating land to his wife’s company at a discounted price?

I would like to reiterate our DAP’s policy and position on land alienation:-

1.Renewal of land for 99 years should be automatic and without premium;

2.Small plots of residential land ought to be alienated to the poor and the needy and the rakyat in general with nominal premium;

3.Large parcels of land with high commercial value ought only to be alienated through public tender process to generate the maximum income for the government.