I was already unhappy that what I had said in the Dewan last November was omitted from the Hansard. So, it upset me tremendously when I read in the papers that Speaker, Mohd Asfia Awang Nassar's reply the my query that part of my speech was omitted due to technical problem.
The answer given by the Speaker was most illogical, inexcusable, unbelievable and a lame excuse. Who would believe him?
Maybe, we all should blame the sound system for letting Asfia down as he could not hear the whole text of speech I was giving. Or maybe, we should blame the supplier for selling such lousy sound system to the State government. I think an investigation should be carried out to see what sort of sound system was used in a RM300 million Dewan.
After Asfia gave the excuse of the technical problem, I am very curious to know how much the sound system cost and who is the person that approved the purchasing? I only hope that the supplier did not get it from a second hand shop.
Whatever it is, the public has a right to know of the Mordana Sdn Bhd which was owned by the Chief Minister's children, Deputy chief Minister's George Chan's daughter who acquired a 269 acre of land costing RM1 to RM1.5 million each. The land is state land and was paid in kind to the family of CM and DCM. Why is the sound recording system so sensitive that it could not record the name of the CM and his family’s wealth?
Asfia also alleged that the letter of enquiry I sent never reached it. I think his office should be checked under X-files. Not only did I have the letter hand sent to him but I also fax it to him right to the fax in his office. The transmission report stated send successfully after I fax over.
Since the damage is done to the reputation and image of the August House, Asfia should now undo the wrong he had done. He should record my speech and 13 para of Meradong State Assemblywoman in full verbatim in the Hansard. At least that is justice done for the sake of the people. No one should make any attempt to change the history records.