Today, I am throwing a challenge to the SUPP to make its stand whether the party is prepared to support the Bill titled Land Law Reform (Renewal of Terms of Document of Title and Acquisition) ordinance 2010 which I intend to move a motion pursuant to the Standing Order 45 in next week DUN sitting.
With the passing of the Bill, it will solve the predicament of the landowners in Sarawak. The Bill will repeal part of the Land Code (Cap.81) in so far as relating to renewal of terms of documents of title and resumption of alienated Land like the Bako lands.
I hope SUPP President, George Chan would not again lead the walk out of all the BN Adun this time when I tabled the motion. He should instead WALK THE TALK, not walk out of DUN.
When my comrade, Honourable Member for Kota Sentosa tried to table the motion at the sitting held last May, 2009, SUPP George Chan had the disgrace to lead the group laughing out of the August House. I know he was laughing and thought that he had played out smartly to force the Sitting to be adjourned as the evidence show on the front page of some newspapers the next day.
The people want an answer from SUPP before the DUN sitting on Monday. I want to know if they are going to accept the motion or are they going to turn their back on the people again this time.
How much more have the people got to suffer from being Sarawakians. The government duty is to protect and care for the people, not to make their lives unbearable so much so that a lot of those who left the State have set homes elsewhere.
Let see what SUPP and BN leaders going to play out this time. Will SUPP chicken out again?