Friday, August 14, 2009

Turtle Eggs Again !!

Sarawak Wildlife Controller, Datu Haji Len Talif Salleh told reporters in a function at a hotel on Thursday that enforcement against illegal activities involving wildlife could be enhanced if local authorities like DBKU or MBKS could take part in the programme of Honorary Wildlife Ranger.

He even admitted that illegal trading of wildlife was still rampant in the State especially that of wild boar and turtle eggs.

I am utterly amazed that Len Talif could utter such statement after the unsuccessful case or was it a close case involving police senior officers and personnel who openly and blatantly consumed turtle eggs on a Saturday night on February 28 this year in Batu Kawa General Operation Force camp.

Despite the news appearing on Borneo Post front page with combo pictures shown of the turtle eggs on March 2, there was silence from the senior police officers. I lodged a police report on March 5; again the silence was deafening.

There was no comment from the police or Len Talif’s SFC until now. When reporters asked Len Talif then, he could only say investigation is going on. Even in the DUN when I brought up the issue, I was told that there was insufficient evidence!

Insufficient evidence even with photos shown? Why was it that Len Talif did not dare reveal the statistic of the turtle eggs seized and the number of people arrested and prosecuted? Was it because the figure was too little to be highlighted? Or were the turtle eggs consumed by an elite group, and the authority had to turn a blind eye? Or was it only Tom, Dick and Harry who consume such illegal delicacies would face the music and the number was too small.

The police is a uniformed body. They should uphold the laws and not break them. From that incidence, the people have lost faith in the already eroding confidence of the police. By not taking action, a lot of people have come to the conclusion that there are two sets of laws, in Sarawak, one for the high and mighty, the authorities who would escape from Gods know what laws they could break, and another for ordinary people like you and me.

I always wonder how the policemen would react if they see people selling turtle eggs. Will they arrest the people and have them told that the police had too consume the turtle eggs and no one was charged? How are they going to uphold the laws when they themselves broke it in the first place? The public will ridicule them. I know not all policemen consumed turtle eggs but some of those at the dinner are senior personnel in the police force. Why was it that none of them mentioned to the host of the dinner that it was illegal to consume turtle eggs. And please, don’t plead ignorance of the law; the court will not accept that as mitigation or evidence.

All marine turtle species are categorized as Totally Protected Animals under the Wildlife Protection Ordinance 1998 but this was disregarded by the authority. So I think Len Talif should stop talking on rampant illegal consumption of protected species. You have a case right under your nose but it was put aside just because the offenders are the police. What a joke!

Monday, August 3, 2009

国阵内部朋党操作 人联青噤若寒蝉


我们民主行动党行事透明,施政方针以民为本,绝对经得起任何质问。 因此,前晚行动党在石角新农屋所举办的“冠英与你有约”的晚宴上,坦然开放宴会现场和群众交流,接受人民的审问。

行动党以如此别开生面的方式组办这次的晚宴主要是希望能以身作则,开创民主政治的新风气。 而且,在行动党的场地质问很安全,可保证绝对不会发生类似赵明福的事件,人联青不用畏缩害怕。 但令人费解的是,我们的晚宴时在7月30日举办,人联青却在31日等冠英离开砂州之後,才在报章上刊登那10大问题?



对此,我非常感谢人联青提出这课题,让人民有机会了解火箭的领袖是如何为民主事业,慷慨地付出。因为,参与民主行动党政治工作的的家族,只有付出和牺牲的份儿,有别于国阵的家族政治。 国阵的家族政治是在瓜分国家资源,剥削民脂民膏。




我本身也可以说是砂州行动党的第二代。 我父亲在早期80年代入党,我是21世纪入党。 到今天,我父亲仍然非常活跃于党务,也每次都有出席党会议,参与支部的决策。


人联青应该勇敢地针讨这种国阵内部的家族政治加以指责,为民伸冤。 但令人失望的是,人联青对国阵内部的裙带朋党操作,噤若寒蝉,不敢出声。反而将矛头对准献身民主斗争的家族,横加数落、肆意抹黑。

在东西马行动党的政治团队里,不乏夫妻搭挡、父子兵、兄弟情,但我们处事光明磊落,在执政的州属,施政以民为本,双手不沾民脂民膏,万民爱载。 林冠英就是最好的例子。


人联青智商表现如此差劲,不辨是非、不明黑白,从政完全没有理念为基础,把权力相等于个人经济利益。 由此看来,人联青顶多也只能当土保党的点头随从。

马来西亚庆幸有这些行动党领袖的几个家族,能在恶劣的政治环境中,不屈不饶地领导民主斗争。 这些家族同仁,历尽强权政敌的逼害、抹黑、恐吓。 没有他们的付出,哪有今天行动党的壮大,那有今天出现了两线制的雏形?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Why no action by MACC against MPP?

As I browse through the local papers, a headline in the Borneo Post screamed "Delays make MPP (Padawan Municipal council) seem corrupted: MACC".

According to the complaints lodged at the MACC, the director has mentioned in a forum that 16 complaints have been made against MPP since 2004. That was five years ago and what has the MACC done about these complaints? Wait for another five years to let the MPP know about it in a forum?

Again, it appears that the MACC does not take seriously the complaints lodged against a government department. Why is there a double standard apply when it comes to probe BN government department? The complaints were made by members of the public who claimed that the council failed to take appropriate action against illegal hawkers, turned a blind eye to illegal extension, allowing premises which was not suitable to be used for karaoke and awarding contracts to the same friends, families and cronies. The list goes on.

After Teoh Beng Hock's sad episode, people have doubts on the effiiciency of the MACC and the baised attitude against the Pakatan Rakyat. Now, I want to see what the MACC is going to do next on the complaints. Sweep under the carpet again or are they going to call in the relevant staff of the MPP concerned.

Chairman of the council, Tan Joo Phoi should come out and do something about it. If what is alleged is not true, then he should produce proof to those who have made complaints against the council. If it were true, he should bring the culprits to book.

Corruption is Malaysia Public Enemy No 1. It is time for the MACC to do their job without fear or favour. It is time for them to regain public confidence.
MACC must probed MPP, Violet


A report in the Borneo Post today “Delays make MPP seem corrupted: MACC” is a serious allegation as it claimed that there were 16 complaints made on the Padawan municipal council by members of the public from 2004 to 2009.

State Assemblywoman for Pending, Violet Yong said this afternoon at a press conference that among the complaints spelled out by the MACC included lack of law enforcement against illegal hawkers, delays in renewing hawkers licences, allowing building renovations without council approval, awarding contracts to the same people, either friends, families or cronies. Other complaints inlcuded allowing illegal extension, approving karaoke centres in unsuitable premises.

Yong pointed out that it was a serious matter that the MACC should look into and investigate thoroughly. She said the MACC should take this opportunity to ensure that they conduct an investigation without fear or favour after what has happened to Teoh Bang Hock investigation in West Malaysia which caused a huge uproar. Teoh was found dead after being questioned by the MACC.

Calling for no stones left unturned, Yong said MACC should not close an eye on the allegation made which was announced by them in a forum on Friday.

“The officers involved should be questioned and corruption being Malaysia Enemy No 1, MACC should not be seen to do a job instead of sweeping everything under the carpet,” she added.

Yong said the Chairman of the council, Tan Joo Phoi should also come out to give a statement on the issue and owed the people an explanation on what is happening in his council.

“If it were really just allegation, bring the proof to show the people. You just cannot say it is allegation and then sweep all the dirt under the carpet,” she added.